KD-085 What Cha Need / I'll Take You There - Leon Mitchison (Clear Orange)

Listen : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6y7xnonbw2inl4755ysk3/KD-085-Side-A-Leon-Mitchison-What-Cha-Need.wav?rlkey=8kurnp3c9korloykpt6rt9r6l&st=4qdynwqq&dl=0


"What Cha Need" / “I’ll Take You There by Leon Mitchison Feature Mixes by Kenny Dope is a special release from Kay-Dee Records in collaboration with Now-Again Records

This edition features a deep, funk-infused mix by Kenny Dope who brings his signature style with use of original master 8-track tapes of this classic track.